Monday, August 31, 2015

Just a whole bunch of random for your day #2

Hope you enjoy the random photo's from our crazy life. 

If you cant tell that would be poo :( it is the worst when you are trying to give you baby a bath and this happens. Nothing like making the place you are trying to clean yourself mega dirty. I feel like my son does this a lot.. The tub must relax him. 

One of Rhenn's favorite thing to do is go on a walk. He normally will move around in his seat and talk to us but for some reason the other day he sat like this the whole walk. I would try and straighten out his leg's and he would just curl them back up and hold onto his blankie. 

When Rhenn was born Payton was so obsessed with Rhenn, everyone thought that it would wear off. To this day she is obsessed with him but its okay I love that she loves her cousin. She always wants to hold him, kiss him, tell him stories and sing him songs. She tells me that she is babysitting him not her mom. The day that this picture was taken she was trying to get him to crawl and I was all Jane he doesn't know how to crawl she said oh I will teach him. Then she wanted him to sit up and I said he can't do that either, I will teach him she said. 

Not only does Jane love her cousin but Rambo loves him too. He will only give kisses to a few people and Rhenn just so happens to be one of them. If you look close you can see the drool on Rhenn's face and then it hanging from Rambo's mouth. 

This photo was taken June 8th 

and this one was taken August 27. It is so crazy to see how they have each grown. Right now they seem so far apart in age because they are doing completely different things but in just a few years they will be going at the same speed and unstoppable. If Rhenn was due on his due date him and Rambo would be exactly 5 months apart but instead they are 5 months 1 day apart. :)

We like to take pictures together and be silly. 

Inside Hogi Yogi is a frozen yogurt place and if you haven't tried it maybe you should. It was quite good. I am glad we discovered it because the places we get ice cream are always in Spanish Fork or Provo but now we have a decent one here in town! Yay! 

They always give you a large cup and then you end up filling it so much fuller than it needs to be. 

Small brains entertain easy. (Yes I am one of those small brains.) 

I wish all spoons were like this! 

I don't know what's up with me and my tongue it must show my true character. These are just a few of my favorite pictures from Meg's wedding.

-We Three Kings  

Friday, August 28, 2015

At home date #1

Having a little one at home means that you are restricted to being able to do certain things. One of them for instance is going on a date or just going out one night to play around like the good ole days. When the baby goes to bed at 8 or sometimes 7:30 that means you have the whole afternoon to do something but you just can't leave the house.

I have been coming up with little date ideas that we can do at home after Rhenn has gone to bed. It's so good to keep dating your husband after you are married, especially after you have kids. I looked on Pintrest to get some idea's and then while I was at the dollar store I came up with some more. I thought I would blog about them as we do them so if you are in the same boat as we are you can try them out. 

The first one we did was have a water fight. Talk about making you feel like a little kid again 

I just got this pack at the dollar store the little thing that attached to the hose was super nice because you can turn the water off while I was tying the ballon's. 

While Rhenn was taking his evening nap I filled up the ballon's so when it came time for our war they were all ready to go. I felt like it took a million years to get as many as I did but I kind of wish I would have done more because it ended to soon. 

I didn't fill them full so if we threw them at each other they would just bounce off and pop on the ground. I learned for next time that they need to be fuller, yes there will be a next time. We haven't laughed as hard as we did while we were soaking each other. 

(I wonder if our neighbors looked out the window and thought what are these crazy people doing? haha It was so worth being crazy though.)

I would have got more pictures but it is kind of hard when you are soaking wet. The not so fun part about the fight is walking around cleaning up the pieces of ballon's afterwards. 

The after results 

All that time filling up the ballon's it got over way to fast.

The date ended with ice cream fresh strawberries and carmel. Yes I like a little ice cream with my strawberries and carmel. 

I had such a fun night with my husband and can't wait to do it again. If you want to hear about our other at home date's keep reading my blog and there will be more from our crazy lives. 

-We Three Kings 

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Boob Dude

Yes you read that right, boob dude. That is what
I call Rhenn. I know I did this to myself but
just hear me out. When Rhenn was just a few weeks
old we started giving him a bottle once a day
so he could get used to the bottle. He did
great even with the formula. He preferred me
but would take the bottle and it never caused
problem's nursing after. It sometimes made
me nervous giving him a bottle because
people told me that sometimes after taking
a bottle they will want that instead of you
because a bottle is so much easier. The
thought of not being able to nurse him made
me so sad. It's such a cool feeling to know
that even though he is not in my belly anymore
I am still helping him grow and develop. Thank
goodness I never ran into that.

Well life happened and we got busy doing our
daily thing's that we stopped giving Rhenn a
bottle at night and I would just nurse him.
Unfortunately since I have stopped he
refuses to take a bottle. I try and give one to him
and he will just gag and start screaming crying.
As of last Thursday I started working at Central
Bank on Thursday's and Friday's for four hours.
I had to think of a way that my mom and sister
could feed Rhenn. I have tried pumping my
milk and the only time I can ever get it to work
is in the morning when I am so full I am going to
burst. I did that for a week and got a little stock
built up for when I am at work. Since this little
man want's breast milk I thought I better give it to
him. Sadly he does the same thing with breast milk
as he does formula :( When my mom and Shell have
watched him they can get him to drink sometimes
an ounce to hold him over until I can get home to feed
him. So the whole pumping so he can have the milk
he wants doesn't do any good because it is coming from
a bottle not me. Hence him being a boob dude.

The past little bit I have been trying different bottles in
hopes that he will like it. I have yet to find one that he
does better with than another. Matt and I have been trying
once a day to get him to drink a bottle but he just refuses
and screams his head off. We can only handle if for so long
and I just give in and nurse him.. (Which I probably shouldn't
do but I just don't know what to do) I keep thinking I should
try and bottle feed him first thing in the morning but at that
time I am so beyond full it hurts.

Until the day that I can get him to take a bottle I basically
glued to him. Don't get me wrong I love my baby more
than anything and I love that I am able to nurse him. I
know so many people that would give anything to be able
to nurse their baby. I am so thankful that I am able to do that,
but at the same time I am a little overwhelmed. Sure I can
run a few errands or go on a date for about an hour and a half
or two but other than that I have to be home so I can feed Rhenn.
Some people may think well you are going to be leaving him for
longer to go to work why can you do it again? Well I just feel
guilty because he isn't happy the whole time and just will
cry because he is hungry. If you know me I am not one to
make people watch my baby if he will cry the whole time.

As for now we will keep doing what we are doing and try
and get him to take a bottle. Then hopefully one day me
and my husband will be able to go to the temple and do
a session or go on a date to the movie theater. If you have
any tips/ advice for things that have helped you I am
willing to hear them and give them a try. I love Rhenn
so much and am so obsessed with him and thankful
that I have him. I wanted a little baby so bad and he
took a while to get here and now that he is here we couldn't
be happier. So if it means I am stuck with him nursing him
I am willing to make the sacrifice for my little man.

-We Three Kings

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Fair time!

We love going the fair when it comes to town. Not only because that means its time for the demolition derby, I just love fair's and carnivals. We went to the fair on Friday so we could walk around because we knew we wouldn't have time before the derby. 

They had a 3D printer going in one of the booths that was fun to watch. It's crazy they have printers like this that can make medical things. 

Anytime we go to an event around here we have to make sure to stop by and talk to Matt's friends from his old job at Audio Vision. When me and Matt started dating he was working for them and boy am I glad he doesn't do that anymore. He gets to go to fun events but they are gone like all night long doing shows. Since we were visiting them we decided to watch the Hypno Hick. Matt has wanted to be hypnotized for a while just to see if it really works. Every time we have watched his show it just seems like the people are faking. When he asked for a volunteer Matt went up, I didn't think it would work but man was I wrong.  

Mom and Rhenn watching dad get hypnotized. He wasn't too thrilled seeing how it was past his bed time and the monster trucks kept waking him up. Oh and next year we decided that we are going to watch the monster trucks also. We just need to go to every event at the fair because we are rednecks and love every minute of it!! 

This was right after he got hypnotized he told them to tune an instrument. Matt is tuning his cello.  

Next on the list for the fair was the Demolition Derby. Man do I love it. Matt and I decided we are going to go to the Nephi Derby next year because once a year just isn't enough. My family has been going to the Derby for the past 5 or so years and we are going to continue going. 

Last year Matt's family came and they liked it enough to come again this year. 

It was so nice by the time the show started our seats were already shaded so we didn't have to roast in the sun. This was after the first round during the clean up. 

I love watching the truck round but at the same time it makes me really nervous because it's so much easier for them to roll over. If you have never been to a Derby I highly recommend it. It's totally redneck and totally awesome, it always gets over way to fast. There was about 4 rollovers this year so that always makes for an exciting show. I wish they still did the powder puff round, it was always so much fun watching the girls go all crazy hitting each other. I think it would be fun to do it but at the same time it kind of freaks me out.  To our not so friendly friends sitting behind us during the show no we will not sit down in the middle of the rounds. Sorry but not sorry.

-We Three Kings 

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Just a whole bunch of random for your day.

Nothing to exciting to share today just a bunch of random photos for your day. 

When dad is gone biking that means I must entertain myself some how while baby sleeps. That calls for a little pretzel with my nutella :) And of course play with the new IMac.

Skippy is pro at catching anything he wants. This was his catch yesterday and of course he has to show everyone. The saddest part was the poor bird wasn't dead and there was feathers ever where. I made my dad come check it out and he pushed the robin with his foot and it jumped up and started hoping around and swaking. You better believe I started screaming and hid behind my dad as if the poor injured bird was going to attack me or something. Then I started feeling bad for the poor thing and wanted to know what was going to happen to it. My dad just told me I better walk away and not watch. (he was going to let Skip take care of it :( )

Yesterday was a daddy daughter and of course Rhenn day.  I always have and always be a daddies girl.. and a momma's girl but we wont get into that. So I love being able to just visit and talk with my dad. If I ever need advice he is my go to person. Our favorite thing to do is sit and watch cops, we could do that for hours on end. 

Rhenn looks concerned but he really does love sweet potatoes. He gets so excited he starts shaking and has his mouth wide open like a little bird. I am really hoping this eating real food thing helps with his fussyness and so far I think it is working. We have only been doing it a week but he has been so much better with his crying this week than he has in the past. 

Rhenn got a pool from someone and he really loves the water so the other day I decided to fill it up with some warm water and let him play in it and he absolutely loved it. I can't wait until we can actually go to the pool and play together it is going to be so much fun.

I put Rhenn in his toy saucer the other day and he loves it so much. Its so nice he is getting older so we can try new fun things. I love being able to have different thing's to entertain him.

The car that is hit is where Matt has been parking his car ever since we have lived here (October) the week that this happened he started parking in the driveway behind me and our neighbor parked in the road. Well one morning a man came to our door to ask if it was our car parked on the street because his son-in-law hit it. Even though we feel so bad for our neighbor we are so thankful that it wasn't our car. 

When thing's are going wrong and nothing seems to be going right for me, something like this happens and I know I am being watched over and blessed. It may seem silly because someone else's car got damaged, it was just something we didn't need to happen to us right then.  

The kid driving was reaching down to get his phone that he dropped. The crazy thing is he lives across the street so it wasn't like he had drove very far but it did some crazy damage. 

Sharyn, Ronny and me and Megs bachelorette party

The rest of the gang, Meghann, Tashelle, Granny, Cindy and Mom. We got our nail done.
If you have ever had your nails done (by an oriental person) and never watched this video you must!

We asked Brandon a bunch of questions and Meg had to answer the questions as he would if not she had to put a piece of bubble gum in her mouth... Lets just say she had a few pieces in her mouth lol 

I made this face at Payton and she kept trying to make it and this is what we got.

I love this little girl so much. I am so glad she is my best friend and we get to hang out everyday together. 

Hope you enjoyed reading 
-We Three Kings