Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Life as we know it..

I wanted to write a post about being pregnant and about my delivery but I fail at life and waited to long    to write it all down and post it. Now I keep keeping further behind on things that are going on now. So if any one wants to hear about those times of my life I will find the energy to write it all down. 😉

So here we are now 3 months old. I can't believe how fast time is going. Before I know I the is going to be married and having kids of his own.. Okay maybe not that fast but some times it fells like it. 
2 months

1 month

3 days old
I'm telling you he is growing quickly. I feel like since Rhenn has been home it has gone from hard to easier to hard again.  I guess that's how life is, once you get the hang out things... Whamm life throws a curve ball at you.  Of course I knew that would happen because it wouldn't be life without them, but  man babies are sure good at pulling your heart strings and tugging on your emotions. There are few days that go by around here without some tears being shed.

It's crazy to me that someone so young is already so smart. He knows that if he wants me to pick him up all he has to do is scream.. I know, I know don't do that it's bad. We are both working on our faults. 

I decided one of the many hard things about being a parent is not feeling guilty. Rhenn is in a stage right now that I am praying ends sooner then later, where he just cries 80% of the day.  The reason behind his crying is unknown. People always tell me it's good for them to cry, it gives them exercise, it makes their lungs grow big and strong. 

Yes those are all very correct but it doesn't mean my mind isn't going to wander. Am I doing something wrong, am I hurting him, is he hurting and I just don't know.  The only thing that calms me to know something isn't seriously wrong is he sleeps like a champ at night. 

So as for now we will work every day to over come the crying, and soak up all the fun times we get to spend together. Because honestly who doesn't love some good'ole baby lovin?

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