The most exciting thing that happened since I posted last was going to the Zoo. I took the day off from the bank.. yes they actually let me do that once in a while. hah :) Me, Kaleb, Tashelle and Payton met Grandma, Cindy and Liam at the Zoo.We decided to when we did because they had just opened the new safari part of the Zoo. It was so much fun, except I wouldn't recommend paying $2 to ride the train. It was kinda lame if you ask us mega short and it was so loud you couldn't hear what the conductors were saying about the animals.
This is me and Jinny riding the train. Also... it was such a bad idea for me to wear my hair down.. what was I thinking. Obviously I wasn't.
Kaleb is too cool to listen to what we do on the radio so he had to have headphones in and if he had headphones in Payton had to also. She loves music and loves to sing. The whole week before we went to the Zoo she kept singing the song "we're going to the Zoo Zoo.,. how about you you". Don't ask me where its from or the rest of the song because that's all I know.
Payton went to the Zoo when she was a lot younger with my mom and Tashelle and she kissed this otter so of course we had to take a picture with her standing next to it again.
Aunt Cindy is everyone's favorite Aunt. She is so good to think of others and goes out of her way to make sure everyone else is happy. She bought Laim and Payton stuffed animals so they could remember their trip we took to the zoo.
Me and Liam riding the merry go round
This monkey was so cute! Grandma LaRae wanted to take him home
After all the fun we had it wore Payton and Kaleb right out. They sat down and were out right away, I had to stay awake to keep the prego driver awake. If we didn't have to drive home we will have all passed out right away.
Sorry all of the pictures are so blurry. I took them on my phone and when I made them big enough so people could actually see the picture it made them blurry :/ Oh well such is life. We all had so much fun. It was a great day off. All the walking around that we did just got me ready for what he had coming next. :)
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