Saturday, August 22, 2015

Boob Dude

Yes you read that right, boob dude. That is what
I call Rhenn. I know I did this to myself but
just hear me out. When Rhenn was just a few weeks
old we started giving him a bottle once a day
so he could get used to the bottle. He did
great even with the formula. He preferred me
but would take the bottle and it never caused
problem's nursing after. It sometimes made
me nervous giving him a bottle because
people told me that sometimes after taking
a bottle they will want that instead of you
because a bottle is so much easier. The
thought of not being able to nurse him made
me so sad. It's such a cool feeling to know
that even though he is not in my belly anymore
I am still helping him grow and develop. Thank
goodness I never ran into that.

Well life happened and we got busy doing our
daily thing's that we stopped giving Rhenn a
bottle at night and I would just nurse him.
Unfortunately since I have stopped he
refuses to take a bottle. I try and give one to him
and he will just gag and start screaming crying.
As of last Thursday I started working at Central
Bank on Thursday's and Friday's for four hours.
I had to think of a way that my mom and sister
could feed Rhenn. I have tried pumping my
milk and the only time I can ever get it to work
is in the morning when I am so full I am going to
burst. I did that for a week and got a little stock
built up for when I am at work. Since this little
man want's breast milk I thought I better give it to
him. Sadly he does the same thing with breast milk
as he does formula :( When my mom and Shell have
watched him they can get him to drink sometimes
an ounce to hold him over until I can get home to feed
him. So the whole pumping so he can have the milk
he wants doesn't do any good because it is coming from
a bottle not me. Hence him being a boob dude.

The past little bit I have been trying different bottles in
hopes that he will like it. I have yet to find one that he
does better with than another. Matt and I have been trying
once a day to get him to drink a bottle but he just refuses
and screams his head off. We can only handle if for so long
and I just give in and nurse him.. (Which I probably shouldn't
do but I just don't know what to do) I keep thinking I should
try and bottle feed him first thing in the morning but at that
time I am so beyond full it hurts.

Until the day that I can get him to take a bottle I basically
glued to him. Don't get me wrong I love my baby more
than anything and I love that I am able to nurse him. I
know so many people that would give anything to be able
to nurse their baby. I am so thankful that I am able to do that,
but at the same time I am a little overwhelmed. Sure I can
run a few errands or go on a date for about an hour and a half
or two but other than that I have to be home so I can feed Rhenn.
Some people may think well you are going to be leaving him for
longer to go to work why can you do it again? Well I just feel
guilty because he isn't happy the whole time and just will
cry because he is hungry. If you know me I am not one to
make people watch my baby if he will cry the whole time.

As for now we will keep doing what we are doing and try
and get him to take a bottle. Then hopefully one day me
and my husband will be able to go to the temple and do
a session or go on a date to the movie theater. If you have
any tips/ advice for things that have helped you I am
willing to hear them and give them a try. I love Rhenn
so much and am so obsessed with him and thankful
that I have him. I wanted a little baby so bad and he
took a while to get here and now that he is here we couldn't
be happier. So if it means I am stuck with him nursing him
I am willing to make the sacrifice for my little man.

-We Three Kings

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