Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

Well I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving filled with lots of food, family, and everything. I know we sure did over here in the King home. 

This Thanksgiving was spent with the King side of the family. Our festivities started on Wednesday because why not make the holiday's last as long as possible.  Jen made this loaded baked potato soup and I had to force myself to stop at two bowls. It was amazing if only you could taste pictures.

We also had pie after our soup because one day of pie just isn't enough.

Okay it kind of is for me because I am a weirdo and am super picky when it comes to pie. All that pumpkin and pecan and other stuff I will save it for you to eat. 

I do like chocolate pie or there was one with caramel (let's be honest anything with enough caramel on it tastes good) in it and those were super good. You must include a bunch of whipped topping on top though.

Rhenn loved the whipped topping. His face say's it all.... Mom don't take pictures of me give me more food!

Thanksgiving morning started off with some games. We were all sitting around talking and next thing we know Holly walks out dressed like this and says "Who wants to play some bingo?" in her best old lady voice. 

A Diet Coke with lime is a must while playing bingo. I forgot how much fun bingo is when I become an old lady I may be a frequent bingo player. Even though out of all the times we played I never got one bingo, I mean really how lame!

Matt's family always has cute name tags and then made one for Rhenn this year so I had to take a picture of our cute little pilgrim family. We were excited for Rhenn's first Thanksgiving because he LOVES  food but the poor guy slept and missed the whole thing. Good thing he doesn't know what he's missing out on yet. 

We did play another game and I won this blue cup. Matt and I prolly have like a million cups/bottles but yet we will want more. I think we have a slight obsession or something. 

Right before dinner we all went out and played a game of croquet. This game is also so much fun I don't know why people don't play it or bingo more often. 

Well folks here you have our feast. 

Okay so here is the weird thing I don't like yams at all! But they always look sooo good and smell amazing. Every year I find myself serving me up some but I just can't do it, I wish I knew what about them I don't like but I just don't. 

I feel like such a good kid when I try foods that I don't normally like in hopes to like them someday. I feel like I make momma's proud. See that ham? Yea I made it and it was afreakingmazing. There is just something about ham that I love. I made this super good glaze for it also. 

Yea we were one of those crazy people who decided to go to Wal-Mart on Thanksgiving night for "fun". Matt has never been black friday shopping so we thought what the heck why not? We got like 9 movies for $22 I know people who spend that on one movie. 

One day when we become rich and famous I am pretty sure my husband will own a car like this. We love BYU at our house. 

I also got this 3 piece frame set for super cheap and I love it. I really need to get on the ball and put pictures in it and hang it up. 

I am one of those weirdo's who likes to make my family match. It makes me happy inside. 

We all know how crazy busy December is so Matt's extended family decided to do their Christmas party the day after Thanksgiving. I thought it was a great idea because trying to make time for everything in december just makes my head hurt.  At this family party they make their famous eggnog and oh my heck I could drink all of it. Side note I don't like eggnog at all so it took some convincing to get me to drink it. I am so glad I did because it was heavenly. 

This is our white elephant gift haul. Mine is the skittles and eos and Matt's is all the fun stuff down below, I thought they were pretty awesome gifts for white elephants. If you are wondering what the colorful wire thing is, it's a head scratcher thing and oh my goodness it is heavenly. 

Well that would be Rhenn's first Thanksgiving. I can't wait to share the rest of our holiday shenanigans, keep following to find out about them. 

~We Three Kings.